James Arthur It’ll All Make Sense In The End Album Review

From being a winner of the well known singing competition show X-Factor to becoming an international sensation with his big radio hit “Say You Won’t Let Go". James Arthur has released his fourth studio album. From just the cover of the album you can get an idea of what the album is going to be about, it appears Arthur is looking at his self in the past as the ground is split. To me the message is that he is breaking away from his past, the sunny skies representing the innocence of childhood and the darker skies as he becomes an adult. From the start of the album it is clear this is quite a departure from his infamous ballads. James Arthur dips into the realm of rapping on this album mixing both singing and rapping. The lyrics throughout the entire album seem to be a reference to struggling with fame and living a normal life. He opens up about wanting to be a father one day with the song “Emily”, where he describes a hypothetical life with a child named Emily.

Something that initially caught my attention and made me fall in love with James Arthur’s music is the deep raspy tone of his voice, and let me tell you that this album does not lack in incredible raspy runs and incredibly emotional tones. You can tell the pain he is feeling when he sings. He also does not hide his thick British accent which is much appreciated. James Arthur pours his heart into this album and it doesn’t go unnoticed.

Go Stream ‘It’ll All Make Sense in The End’ now!

-XOXO Rachel


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